Payments | Simplified
Payments | Simplified
Our Vision
Fuzion - noun, fu·zion \ˈfyü-zhÉ™n\
:a merging of diverse, distinct, or separate elements into a unified whole
Fuzion Payments was founded on one core belief, our clients come first. We understand that accepting credit cards is a necessary evil in today's business environment, so we've chosen to do exactly the opposite of our competition. We're making card acceptance less painful, more transparent and more cost effective for our clients.
We offer interchange plus pricing, no application fees, month to month processing contracts with no termination fees, no hidden costs and we'll guarantee our rates for the life of our relationship. In addition to merchant accounts, we also provide Alipay and WeChat Pay account setup.
​We've partnered with the best in our business in order to provide you with the best for your business. Payments, Simplified.